One email we received after a purchase the Carpati soundtrack:

Subject: Re: Beautiful Jewish music of the Carpathian Mountains

Dear David,
The Carpati CD arrived today (Thanks for Express Mailing it). I am almost
in tears. If I could have any wish right now, it would be that my father could
be listening to it with me. Since he is gone, it's almost like having him back
for a visit. He loved music and loved to csardas. He grew up in a little
town a few miles from Beregszasz. His house was always open to the Gypsies in
town and I know he would haved loved this CD. I heard many of the Yiddish
tunes growning up.

Last May, my department ordered the video from New York (I teach in
Philadelphia). I'm hoping that it is waiting for me when I return to work in
a couple of weeks. It will be a thrill to actually see the area he came from.
L'Shanah Tovah and may the coming year bring you and yours nothing but
sweetness and joy.

(name withheld for purposes of privacy)

| Screenings from days gone by

The soundtrack to Carpati  and the Carpati film is now available.
Fill out our simple online order form and purchase by credit card, 
It makes a great gift for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and whatever!

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